Sunday 14 October 2007

Pico de Gallo

D and I bought a couple plants right after the wedding. We thought it would be fun to grow a few of our own herbs and peppers. With a little bit of watering, sunshine and tender love and care we have 2 thriving pots of herbs (coriander and rosemary) and 3 pots of peppers - banana, red hot chili, and jalapenos.

This weekend I decided to whip up some pico de gallo since I discovered that coriander and cilantro are the same thing. So simple and refreshing, perfect for summer. Here's what we used:

Serves: 2
1 tomato, diced
1 tbsp finely diced red onion
2 jalapenos, diced (or if you use ones out of the jar like we did, about 15 slices)
1 stalk fresh cilantro
sprinkle of salt and garlic powder
jalapeno pickling juice
4 shakes of hot sauce

If we could find habanero peppers here we would have used those since we like it spicy. Here's our jalapenos:

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